For a symplectic manifod subject to certain topological conditions, a category enriched in A ∞ modules over the Novikov ring is constructed. The construction is based on the category of modules over Fedosov's deformation quantization algebra that have an additional structure, namely, an action of the fundamental groupoid up to inner automorphisms. Based in large part on the ideas of Bressler-Soibelman, Feigin, and Karabegov, it is motivated by the theory of Lagrangian distributions and and is related to other microlocal constructions of a category starting from a symplectic manifold, such as those due to Nadler-Zaslow and Tamarkin. In the case when our manifold is a flat two-torus, the answer is very close to both the microlocal category of Tamarkin and the Fukaya category as computed by Polishchuk and Zaslow.