I report on a numerical program, which can be used to calculate any infrared safe three-jet observable in electron-positron annihilation to next-to-next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant αs. The results are compared to a recent calculation by another group. Numerical differences in three colour factors are discussed and explained.PACS numbers: 12.38. Bx, 13.66.Bc, 13.66.Jn,
INTRODUCTIONJet observables and event shapes in electron-positron annihilation can be used to extract the value of the strong coupling constant α s [1,2,3]. This applies in particular to three-jet observables, where the leading-order parton process is proportional to α s . In order to extract the numerical value from the LEP data, precise theoretical calculations are necessary, calling for a next-tonext-to-leading order (NNLO) calculation. Due to the large variety of interesting jet observables it is desirable not to perform this calculation for a specific observable, but to set up a computer program, which yields predictions for any infra-red safe observable relevant to the process e + e − → 3 jets. Such a task requires the calculation of the relevant amplitudes up to two loops, a method for the cancellation of infrared divergences and stable and efficient Monte Carlo techniques. For the process e + e − → 2 jets this was done in [4,5,6,7]. In this letter I report on a NNLO calculation for three-jet observables in electron-positron annihilation. Recently another group published results for the NNLO corrections for three-jet observables [8,9,10,11]. In the calculation presented here the methods used are in many parts similar to the ones used in [8,9,10,11], although I will show that in certain points there are important differences. The authors of [8,9,10,11] made major contributions to the development of these methods [5,12,13,14,15].The numerical results of the two calculations are compared. The comparison is facilitated by splitting the NNLO correction term into individually gauge-invariant contributions, such that each contribution is proportional to a specific colour factor. For the NNLO corrections to e + e − → 3 jets there are six different colour factors. In three colour factors the two calculations agree (N −2 c , N f /N c , N 2 f ). They disagree in the remaining three colour factors (N 2 c , N 0 c , N f N c , ). The numerical differences in these colour factors can be traced back to an incomplete cancellation of soft-gluon singularities in the calculation of refs. [8,9,10,11]. These singularities require additional subtraction terms, which are subtracted from the five-parton configuration and added to the four-parton configuration. These subtraction terms have a structure not present in [10] and are related to soft gluons. These terms occur generically in any NNLO calculation with three or more hard coloured partons.
GENERAL SET-UPThe perturbative expansion of any infrared-safe observable for the process e + e − → 3 jets can be written up to NNLO asA O gives the LO result, B O the NLO correction and C O the NNLO corr...