“…Ebrahimi et al (1992) introduced a test procedure which exploit the Kullback-Leibler information and estimated the test statistic by entropy estimator of Vasicek (1976). Following their method, more test statistics were proposed by Grzegorzewski and Wieczorkowski (1999), Park and Park (2003), Choi et al (2004), Yousefzadeh and Arghami (2008), Gurevich and Davidson (2008), Alizadeh Noughabi and Arghami (2011b) and Zamanzade and Arghami (2011) based on different entropy estimators including estimators of Vasicek (1976), Van-Es (1992), Ebrahimi et al (1994), Correa (1995) and Alizadeh Noughabi (2010). Vexler and Gurevich (2010) and Gurevich and Vexler (2011) developed empirical likelihood ratio tests for goodness of fit and demonstrated that the well-known goodness of fit tests based on sample entropy and KullbackLeibler information are a product of the proposed empirical likelihood methodology.…”