Aliquotes of human amniotic fluid (AF), fetal serum (FS), and cord blood (CB) were obtained as by-products of routine clinical diagnostic procedures at term or in the second trimester of pregnancy. When samples of CB were applied to a pH 5.5-4 chromatofocusing gradient, three isoforms of AFP could be resolved; a pl 4.57 form (isoform IA, 52% AFP), a pl 4.27 form (isoform IB, 43% AFP), and one species that was bound to the column but could be eluted with 1.0 M NaCl (isoform II, pl less than 4.00, 5% AFP). Term AF displayed a profile similar to that observed in term CB. When samples of 15-20-week gestation AF were chromatofocused, the immunoreactive AFP recovered was distributed between isoform IA and IB (60%) and isoform II (40%). FS and AF obtained from same pregnancy (23-26 weeks) displayed an identical chromatofocusing profile. Aliquotes of AF subjected to conA revealed 83% reactive variants compared with greater than 95% reactive variants for CB. FS displayed a conA profile identical to CB. When individual CB charge isoforms were isolated and subjected to conA analysis, greater than 97% of the AFP bound to conA. In contrast, when AFP isoform IA and IB were isolated from midgestation AF, approximately 22% of the AFP did not bind to the lectin while 100% of isolated AFP isoform II eluted as the reactive variant. These data suggest that human AFP exists as at least three charge and two lectin variants and that the charge profile may change during fetal development.