zircon geochronology, in addition to sandstone petrography and heavy mineral analysis are used to constrain the provenance of the Ecca and Beaufort lithologic Groups within the Tanqua, Laingsburg, and Ripon sub-basins of the southern Gondwanan Karoo Basin. Zircon ages were acquired using Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) on 553 grains from seven hand samples. Results show two major age populations exist in all samples including an abrupt 245-295 Ma population and a broad 350-750 Ma population. Other minor age populations are present between 300-350 Ma, 850-1200 Ma, and > 2000 Ma in some samples. These age populations coincide with the age of regional source terranes and tectonic events which consist of: Gondwanide (southern magmatic arc: 245-290 Ma),