We examine the wave coupling efficiency of solar wind to magnetospheric fluctuations in the ULF frequency range using an advanced full-wave simulation code, Petra-M. Earth's magnetic field is tilted to the ecliptic plane; thus, compressional wave sources can be incident over a wide range of magnetic latitudes. When compressional waves are incident at a low latitude, very little wave power can reach the inner magnetosphere. On the other hand, waves incident from a high latitude source can propagate efficiently into the inner magnetosphere and reach the ground near the cusp region. The mode-conversion and polarization reversal at the crossover plays a critical role in compressional wave propagation. The mode-converted linearly polarized electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves also occur at the Alfvén and ion-ion hybrid resonances. Therefore, the results suggest that solar wind compression can drive the linearly polarized EMIC waves, and the wave occurrence can have seasonal and diurnal dependence.
Hosted fileessoar.10512575.1.docx available at https://authorea.com/users/523875/articles/595337magnetic-tilt-effect-on-externally-driven-electromagnetic-ion-cyclotron-emic-waves