Isolation and morphological characterization of fungi producing antibacterial substances from local food in Burkina FasoABSTRACT Bacterial resistance to the actual antibiotic is mostly in dangerous progress, why we have interest in isolation and characterization of fungi strains producing antibiotics using local food in Burkina Faso. Fifty (50) isolated strains were used in the antibiosis trial which revealed twenty (20) strains producing antimicrobial substances. This trial concerned the strains cell as well as its aqueous and organic extracts. Three (03) strains had average inhibition diameters of 20 mm on the testing germs. Their characterization focused on the H. COMPAORE et al. / Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 10(1): 198-210, 2016 199 morphological and culture criteria. After five days of incubation in Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA), the strain S 1 shows a flat colony, white on the front, with a yellow reverse. The strain S 2 shows an olive-green colony, velvety texture, more dense in the center. As for the strain S 3 , it shows a round green colored colony. In optical microscopy, strains S 1 and S 2 showed numerous round and refractive conidia, conidiophores are hyaline, long and not partitioned. S 3 strain showed uncommon conidia, penicillus made of phialides which are directly linked to the end of partitioned conidiophores. Analysis of these characteristics indicates that S 1 , S 2 and S 3 belong respectively to the Aspergillus and Penicillium genera.