“…Exploiting the hypothesis of no overtakings among ions of the same species and the new approach based on the linear behavior for the electric field inside the inner sphere, S s , containing both slow and fast ions, analytical formulas describing the acceleration both inside and outside S s (where only fast ions are present), have been derived together with the energy spectrum. For the first time (at least to the Authors' knowledge), a simple way to deduce if overtakings between fast ions will take place during the expansion is presented and discussed, confirming the existence, empirically deduced in a previous work by using numerical simulations (Li et al, 2007), of a limit value for the mixture composition, α crit , above which no shocks are forming. The analysis here proposed is based on the calculation of the derivative of ∞ with respect to the initial ion position r 0 : when this quantity is negative for some r 0 , the hypothesis of no overtaking is no longer valid.…”