“…The cross-terms disappear when the noise sources are uncorrelated; hence, a single crosscorrelation of noise observations at x A and x B gives, analogous to equation 7, ͕G͑x B ,x A ,t͒ ם G͑x B ,x A ,מt͖͒ ء S N ͑t͒, where S N ͑t͒ is the autocorrelation of the noise ͑see Figure 6f͒. Note that the symmetry of the responses in Figure 6e and f relies again on the isotropic illumination of the receivers, i.e., on the net power flux of the illuminating wavefield being ͑close to͒ zero ͑van Tiggelen, 2003; Malcolm et al, 2004;Sánchez-Sesma et al, 2006;Snieder et al, 2007;Perton et al, 2009;Weaver et al, 2009;Yao et al, 2009͒. Of course, what is demonstrated here for a 2D distribution of sources also holds for a 3D source distribution. In that case, all sources in Fresnel volumes rather than Fresnel zones contribute to the retrieval of the direct wave between x A and x B .…”