The neutron rich 123 Ag nucleus was pop-1 ulated via induced photofission of UC x at the ALTO 2 ISOL facility. Its β-decay properties were studied by 3 means of detecting β-delayed γ and neutron activities.4 The measured half-life T 1/2 = 0.350(20) s agreed with 5 the earlier data; the β-delayed neutron emission branch-6 ing P 1n = 1.01(24)% was reestablished using γ and neu-7 tron counting. 8 Keywords β-decay • β-delayed neutron emission • 9 beams of radioactive nuclei 10 daughter isotope, involving also the most superficial nu-67 cleons. Namely, microscopic calculations by refs. [10, 68 11] showed that the Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions of 69 deeply-bound neutrons can trigger coherent dipolar os-70 cillations (like the PDR), which in turn engender a sig-71 nificant emission of E1 γ-radiation. It is worth men-72 tioning that the inclusion of the coupling terms with 73 more complex configurations than 1p − 1h ones sub-74 stantially enriches the low-energy spectrum of nuclei in 75 the A ≈ 130 mass range, see, e.g., ref. [12].