We study electron-positron pair creation from the Dirac vacuum induced by a strong and slowly varying electric field (Schwinger effect) which is superimposed by a weak and rapidly changing electromagnetic field (dynamical pair creation). In the sub-critical regime where both mechanisms separately are strongly suppressed, their combined impact yields a pair creation rate which is dramatically enhanced. Intuitively speaking, the strong electric field lowers the threshold for dynamical particle creation -or, alternatively, the fast electromagnetic field generates additional seeds for the Schwinger mechanism. These findings could be relevant for planned ultra-high intensity lasers.PACS numbers: 12.20. Ds, 11.15.Tk, 11.27.+d. As first realized by Dirac [1], a consistent relativistic quantum description of electrons necessarily involves negative energy levels, which -in the Dirac-sea pictureare filled up in the vacuum state. This entails the striking possibility of pulling an electron out of the vacuum by means of some external influence, such as a (classical) electromagnetic field [2], where the remaining hole in the Dirac sea is then associated with a positron. Of course, to create such an electron-positron pair out of the vacuum, one has to overcome the energy gap of 2mc 2 between the filled and the empty levels. There are basically two main mechanisms for doing so: In a strong electric field E over a sufficiently long distance L, "virtual" electron-positron pair fluctuations may gain this energy when qEL ≥ 2mc2 . This pair creation process is called the Schwinger mechanism [3,4] and can be understood as tunneling through the classically forbidden region (energy gap). Thus it is suppressed exponentially O(exp{−πE S /E}) for weak fields E, where E S = m 2 c 3 /( q) is the Schwinger critical field. For E ≃ E S , the work done by separating the electron-positron pair over a Compton wavelength is of the order of the energy gap 2mc2 . Alternatively, a classical time-dependent electromagnetic field will also create electron-positron pairs in general (dynamical pair creation). However, if the frequency ω of the external field is not large enough, ω < 2mc 2 , these non-adiabatic corrections correspond to higher-order (i.e., multi-photon) processes and are also suppressed exponentially exp{− O(1/ω)} for small ω [5]. These pair-production processes are fundamental predictions of quantum electrodynamics (QED), but only the multi-photon production process has so far been observed experimentally: the positron data taken at the SLAC E-144 experiment have convincingly been explained by nphoton production with n ≃ 5 [6]. However, a verification of the Schwinger mechanism has still remained an experimental challenge [7]. Since the Schwinger mechanism is non-perturbative in the field, its discovery would help exploring the non-perturbative realm of quantum field theory in a controlled fashion. Here, we propose a new mechanism which can help to overcome the strong exponential suppression. The basic idea is similar in spirit to ide...