The proton elastic form factor ratio is accessible in unpolarized Rosenbluthtype experiments as well as experiments which make use of polarization degrees of freedom. The extracted values show a distinct discrepancy, growing with Q 2 . Three recent experiments tested the proposed explanation, two-photon exchange, by measuring the positron-proton to electron-proton cross section ratio. In the results, a small two-photon exchange effect is visible, significantly different from theoretical calculation. Theory at larger momentum transfer remains untested. This paper discusses the possibilities for future measurements at larger momentum transfer.Keywords proton · form factor · two-photon exchange PACS 13.40.Gp · 14.20.Dh · 25.30.Bf
IntroductionProton elastic form factors have been studied intensively with electron-proton scattering using unpolarized beams and target. The experiments produced data over an extensive range of (negative) four-momentum transfers, Q 2 . Via the so-called Rosenbluth separation technique, the two elastic form factors were separated. More recently, experiments exploiting the polarization of beam or target measured the form factor ratio directly. While the former see rough agreement with scaling, i.e., a more or less constant ratio even for large Q 2 , the latter show a roughly linear fall-off of the ratio. Figure 1 shows a selection of the available data and recent fits.The form factors encode the distribution of charge and magnetization in the proton and this "form factor ratio puzzle" is a limiting factor in their precise determination. It is therefore of importance to resolve this puzzle.