The 2880 A system in the Tesla discharge spectrum of I? in Ar is reexamined using a CCD array detector to record spectra for both " ' I, and '191?. This charge-transfer transition terminates on a weakly bound valence state, giving a highly congested spectrum with fine violet-degraded band structure barely perceivable on a pseudocontinuous background. The superior signal-to-noise capabilities of the array detector permit a great improvement in the precision and number of measured bandheads, as compared with previous results obtained from photographically recorded spectra. The new data span a larger range of vibrational levels in the lower state and lead to a change in the previous u" numbering by -3 units. Both states can now be located precisely on the absolute energy axis through least-squares fits in which the lower state energy is represented as a near-dissociation expansion. The primary spectroscopic constants (cm-') are Tl = 47 084, wl = 103.93, w,xl = 0.14, T: = 12 260, w: = 18.6, w,x: = 0.21. The lower state has a dissociation energy of 287.5 cm-' and supports 35 bound levels, subject, however, to possible further revision due to a remaining uncertainty of I unit in the u" numbering. The previous tentative electronic assignment of this system remains in effect: The upper alors que I'Ctat le plus bas est la composante 0; du multiplet 3rI, de la valence la plus basse.[Traduit par la rCdaction]