Since the Industrial Revolution, fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emission have increased substantially, causing the rise of greenhouse gas concentration (GHGC) and in turn the rise of global mean surface temperature (GMST). We analyze the years of the rises and the falls of global temperature fluctuation, and find that the natural time interval between the rise and the fall of the temperature fluctuation has decreased from 31.5 years to 23 years, the impact from human activities has increased from 2.5 years to 9 years. We analyze the shares of total solar irradiance (TSI), greenhouse gas concentration (GHGC), and water vapor for the rise ofGMST, we find that: TSI accounts for 23.4% for greenhouse effect from 1880 to 1964, and 12.4% from 1965 to 2022; GHGC accounts for 80.9% for greenhouse effect from 1880 to 1964,and 86.6% from 1965 to 2022; water vapor is negatively related with GMST from 1880 to 1964, accounting for -4.3% for greenhouse effect, and positively related with GMST from 1965 to 2022, accounting for 1% for greenhouse effect. Global warming hiatus from 1998 to 2012 is a shortened fall of global temperature fluctuation.