Keywords: Ruin probability, Time of ruin, Surplus process, Deficit at ruin, Defective renewal equation.We consider the classical risk model where claims Y 1 , Y 2 , . . . arrive in a compound Poisson process with rate λ. The claims are independent identically distributed non-negative random variables and have common distribution function P with finite mean µ. In the case where P has a density, we denote this density by p. We further assume that the claims are independent of the claimarrivals process. Premiums are paid to the insurer continuously at a rate c per unit time. The surplus of the insurer at time t is then U (t) = u + ct − Nt k=1 Y i , where u is the initial surplus and N t is the number of claims until t. We assume throughout that c > λµ, so that ruin is not certain to occur. Moreover, we write c = (1+θ)λµ, where θ is the relative security loading. Let T denote the time of ruin, i.e. the time that the surplus becomes negative for the first time and note that T is a defective random variable. The probability of ruin is then defined by ψ(u) = P (T < ∞|U (0) = u).(1)