DOI: 10.1128/jb.01201-13
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Two Small (p)ppGpp Synthases in Staphylococcus aureus Mediate Tolerance against Cell Envelope Stress Conditions

Abstract: The stringent response is a conserved global regulatory mechanism that is related to the synthesis of (p)ppGpp nucleotides. Gram-positive bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, possess three (p)ppGpp synthases: the bifunctional RSH (RelA/SpoT homolog) protein, which consists of a (p)ppGpp synthase and a (p)ppGpp hydrolase domain, and two truncated (p)ppGpp synthases, designated RelP and RelQ. Here, we characterized these two small (p)ppGpp synthases. Biochemical analyses of purified proteins and in vivo stud… Show more

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Cited by 160 publications
(216 citation statements)
References 46 publications
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“…Interestingly, another small alarmone synthetase, SAS2, has been implicated in mediating tolerance against cell envelope stress and blocking translation via ribosome hibernation in Staphylococcus aureus and B. subtilis, respectively (24,39). Our sequence alignments suggest that SAS2 forms a tetramer with architecture similar to that of SAS1; however, the amino acid residues required for allosteric binding of pppGpp to SAS1 are replaced by a different set of conserved residues in SAS2 (Fig.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 84%
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“…Interestingly, another small alarmone synthetase, SAS2, has been implicated in mediating tolerance against cell envelope stress and blocking translation via ribosome hibernation in Staphylococcus aureus and B. subtilis, respectively (24,39). Our sequence alignments suggest that SAS2 forms a tetramer with architecture similar to that of SAS1; however, the amino acid residues required for allosteric binding of pppGpp to SAS1 are replaced by a different set of conserved residues in SAS2 (Fig.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 84%
“…Both the synthetase and hydrolase domains of RelA are regulated in a reciprocal manner, ensuring inverse coupling of the opposing activities (19,22,23). The recently identified alarmone synthetases SAS1 (synonyms: YjbM and RelQ) and SAS2 (synonyms: YwaC and RelP) (24)(25)(26)(27) share high sequence identities of 20-30% with RSH proteins in their synthetase domains (18). However, the absence of the hydrolase and C-terminal domains found in RelA (Fig.…”
confidence: 99%
“…The biological role and regulation of SAS enzymes are better understood. In contrast to allosterically regulated RelA and SpoT, induction of (p)ppGpp production by SASs in response to cell wall stress stimuli, such as alkaline shock or treatment with cell wall-active antibiotics, is believed to be effectuated chiefly via transcriptional up-regulation, leading to an increase in the enzyme's abundance (13,17). The consequent increase in the (p)ppGpp level in turn renders bacteria more resilient to the signal that is inducing stress, e.g., tolerance to antibiotics targeting the cell wall (14,17).…”
confidence: 99%
“…In contrast to allosterically regulated RelA and SpoT, induction of (p)ppGpp production by SASs in response to cell wall stress stimuli, such as alkaline shock or treatment with cell wall-active antibiotics, is believed to be effectuated chiefly via transcriptional up-regulation, leading to an increase in the enzyme's abundance (13,17). The consequent increase in the (p)ppGpp level in turn renders bacteria more resilient to the signal that is inducing stress, e.g., tolerance to antibiotics targeting the cell wall (14,17). Crystallographic analysis of the Bacillus subtilis RelQ (SAS1) revealed that it forms a tetramer that binds two pppGpp molecules at the interface between subunits, leading to an allosteric activation of the enzyme's catalytic activity (18).…”
confidence: 99%
“…The genome of S. aureus also encodes two other monofunctional synthetases, RelP and RelQ, and transcription of these genes increases when cells are exposed to cell wall-targeting antimicrobials (20,21). Recent work on S. aureus has shown that the ability to switch on the stringent response is essential for its virulence and is required for the organism to cause chronic infections (22)(23)(24)(25).…”
confidence: 99%