The distal complex extensor tendon injury, presenting as traumatic skin, zones 1 and 2 of extensor pollicis longus and extensor hallucis longus, and bony insertion loss, represents a challenging issue and requires a well-vascularized skin paddle, tendinous graft, and insertional reconstruction. Guided by the all-in-one-step reconstruction rule, the chimeric superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator (SCIAP) flap, generally considered as a promising multiple-type tissue provider (eg, vascularized skin paddle, fascia, iliac flap), can fulfill the reconstructive demands and has an edge over the two-stage countermeasure. The authors adopted tripartite SCIAP flaps to reconstruct distal complex thumb or toe injuries in eight cases (six thumbs and two halluces), all of which were reattached with vascularized fascia lata–iliac crest conjunctions using a pull-out technique. All SCIAP flaps survived uneventfully without donor-site complications. The remodeled interphalangeal joints regained nearly normal radiologic manifestation. The chimeric SCIAP flap may be a promising technique for distal complex extensor tendon injury; providing vascularized skin paddle and fascia lata–iliac crest graft, it also qualifies for the all-in-one-stage reconstruction concept.
Therapeutic, IV.