is a selected list of glaciological li terature on the scie ntifi c stud y of snow and ice and of their effects on the Earth; for the li terature on polar ex p ed itions, and a lso on th e "appl ied" aspects of glaciology, such as snow p loughs, readers sh o uld consult the bibliographies in each issu e of Recent PoLar L iterature (supplement to the Polar R ecord). For Russ ian m aterial the system of trans li teration used is that agreed by the U.S. Board on Geographic Nam es a nd the P e rma nent Committee o n Geographical Names for British Officia l Use in ' 947. R eaders ca n grea tl y ass ist by sending reprints of thei ,' publi cations to the Society, or by in form ing Dr J. W. G le n o f publica ti ons of g lac iological in terest. I t should be noted that the Society does not necessa"il y hold copies of the items in th is list, and also that the Society does not possess fa cil ities for mi crofi lming or p h otocopying.