Interphase nuclear structure has been investigated using various techniques of light , phase contrast, fluorescence and electron microscopy . These studies have indicated several interest ing features of the interphase nuclei (once thought to be resting nucleus) like non -random ar rangement of chromosomes, somatic association and specific orientation of chromosomes maintaining their telophasic configurations (Patankar and Ranjekar 1984) . Interphase nuclear organization of plants is species specific , however, it's determinants are not clearly known, al though the role of nuclear DNA content and repititive DNA sequences has been suggested (Lafontaine 1974, Nagl andFusenig 1979). To study interphase nuclei BSG-technique has been applied for heterochromatin visualization in many monocotyledonous plants . Among dicotyledons, interphase nuclear structure has been studied in Anemone (Marks and Schweizer 1974). However, recently interphase nuclear structure in five dicots (Joshi and Ranjekar 1982) and in five species of Phaseolus (Patankar and Ranjekar 1984) has been studied using the HCl -Giemsa technique.Thus the aim of present investigation was to study the interphase nuclear structure and heterochromatin in meristematic and differentiated cells of six Cicer species employing two different staining techniques and also to know the role of nuclear DNA content in structural organization of interphase nuclei.