Quenches are now routinely used in synthetic quantum systems to study a variety of fundamental effects, including ergodicity breaking, light-cone-like spreading of information, and dynamical phase transitions. It was shown recently that the dynamics of equal-time correlators may be related to ground-state phase transitions and some properties of the system excitations. Here, we show that the full low-lying excitation spectrum of a generic many-body quantum system can be extracted from the after-quench dynamics of equal-time correlators. We demonstrate it for a variety of one-dimensional lattice models amenable to exact numerical calculations, including Bose and spin models, with short or long range interactions. The approach also applies to higher dimensions, correlated fermions, and continuous models. We argue that it provides an alternative approach to standard pump-probe spectroscopic methods and discuss its advantages.2E k J = 4 2 sin 2 (k/2) 2 sin 2 (k/2) +n U J ,