Background: Myringoplasty, which is type 1 tympanoplasty, is the surgical reconstruction of the tympano-ossicular continuity after thorough disease clearance from a tympano-mastoid portion of the middle ear cleft. The success of the myringoplasty, a reconstruction of the vibrating tympanic membrane, is in hearing improvement and the closure of the tympanic membrane perforation.
Objectives: To determine the surgical and audiological results of myringoplasty (tympanoplasty type-1) using cartilage perichondrium graft.
Patients & methods: A prospective study was conducted on 100 patients with tympanic membrane perforation (TMP) at Sulaimani Ear-Nose-Throat (ENT) Teaching Center and Azmar Private Hospital, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq, from June 2013 to June 2016. Patients underwent TM repair using an underlay cartilage perichondrium graft and were followed up for three months after surgery. Graft taking with the closure of perforation was considered a surgical success, and hearing improvement of 10 dB as the minimum gain was regarded as an audiological success.
Results: The overall success rate was 84%. The graft take rate for large-sized perforation was 80%, and for medium-sized perforation was 90%. The success rate for posterior perforation was 100%, followed by anterior perforation (84.6%) and subtotal perforation (70%). The mean postoperative hearing gain was 11.5 dB.
Conclusions: The cartilage perichondrium graft underlay technique for myringoplasty tympanoplasty type 1 is an effective method for closure of the tympanic membrane perforations and, consequently, improving hearing provided that a thorough disease clearance from Middle ear cleft was secured.