Peptidylglycine α-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM) and dopamine β-monooxygenase (DβM) are copper-dependent enzymes that are vital for neurotransmitter regulation and hormone biosynthesis. These enzymes feature a unique active site consisting of two spatially separated (by 11 Å in PHM) and magnetically noncoupled copper centers that enables 1e -activation of O 2 for hydrogen atom abstraction (HAA) of substrate C-H bonds and subsequent hydroxylation. Although the structures of the resting enzymes are known, details of the hydroxylation mechanism and timing of long-range electron transfer (ET) are not clear. This study presents density-functional calculations of the full reaction coordinate, which demonstrate: (i) the importance of the end-on coordination of superoxide to Cu for HAA along the triplet spin surface; (ii) substrate radical rebound to a Cu II hydroperoxide favors the proximal, nonprotonated oxygen; and (iii) long-range ET can only occur at a late step with a large driving force, which serves to inhibit deleterious Fenton chemistry. The large inner-sphere reorganization energy at the ET site is used as a control mechanism to arrest premature ET and dictate the correct timing of ET. C opper is an essential cofactor for many cellular processes requisite for life (1). In particular, one or multiple coppers are found in active sites of enzymes that bind, activate, and reduce O 2 using the biologically accessible Cu II /Cu I redox couple (2, 3). One important class of Cu-dependent O 2 -activating enzymes is responsible for the stereospecific C-H α-hydroxylation of hormones and glycine-extended neuropeptides for proper neurotransmitter regulation and hormone biosynthesis. These enzymes [peptidylglycine α-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM), dopamine β-monooxygenase (DβM), and tyramine β-monooxygenase (TβM)] feature two distinct Cu sites (designated Cu M and Cu H ) separated in the protein by an ∼11-Å distance ( Fig. 1) (4-6). The lack of magnetic coupling between these sites distinguishes this class as "noncoupled" binuclear copper monooxygenases, in contrast to coupled binuclear copper enzymes (tyrosinase, hemocyanin, etc.). Intriguingly, a recent structure of dimeric DβM (7) shows an "open" conformation reminiscent of PHM in one apo monomer (predicted Cu-Cu distance ∼14 Å) and a "closed" conformation in the second half-apo monomer with a significantly contracted core (predicted Cu-Cu distance ∼5 Å). This suggests that the domains containing Cu H and Cu M have some conformational flexibility; however, it is currently unknown whether this is relevant to turnover. The Cu M site, featuring a 2His/1Met ligand set, is the center involved in O 2 activation, and the Cu H site, supported by 3His coordination, is an unusual electron transfer (ET) site that provides the second electron required for turnover.Kinetic isotope studies on PHM, DβM, and TβM have established several important parameters of the mechanism of C-H hydroxylation. A large intrinsic substrate H/D isotope effect (10.6) on the C-H cleavage step in PHM...