We propose a neutrino model based on a ∆(54) flavor symmetry suitable for explaining the current neutrino oscillation data. Neutrino masses arise from the type II seesaw mechanism where the ∆(54) field assignments has led to a simple neutrino mass matrix with one texture zero and which satisfies the magic symmetry consistent with the well-known trimaximal mixing matrix. We found interesting predictions concerning neutrino masses and mixing. In particular, only the normal neutrino mass hierarchy and the lower octant of the atmospheric angles are allowed in this model. The model predicts as well that the CP conserving values for the Dirac CP phase δ CP are not allowed and thus, CP is always violated in the neutrino sector. We have also investigated the sum of absolute neutrino masses from cosmological observations, the effective Majorana mass m ββ from neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, and the electron neutrino mass m β from beta decays where we found that the obtained range of m ββ can be tested by several experiments in the near future.