Model order reduction (MOR) techniques are often used to reduce the order of spatially-discretized (stochastic) partial differential equations and hence reduce computational complexity. A particular class of MOR techniques is balancing related methods which rely on simultaneously diagonalizing the system Gramians. This has been extensively studied for deterministic linear systems. The balancing procedure has already been extended to bilinear equations [1], an important subclass of nonlinear systems. The choice of Gramians in [1] is referred to be the standard approach. In [18], a balancing related MOR scheme for bilinear systems called singular perturbation approximation (SPA) has been described that relies on the standard choice of Gramians. However, no error bound for this method could be proved. In this paper, we extend the setting used in [18] by considering a stochastic system with bilinear drift and linear diffusion term. Moreover, we propose a modified reduced order model and choose a different reachability Gramian. Based on this new approach, an L 2 -error bound is proved for SPA which is the main result of this paper. This bound is new even for deterministic bilinear systems.AMS subject classifications. Primary: 93A15, 93C10, 93E03. Secondary: 15A24, 60J75.1.1. Literature review. Balancing related MOR schemes were developed for deterministic linear systems first. Famous representatives of this class of methods are balanced truncation (BT) [3,25,26] and singular perturbation approximation (SPA) [14,23].BT was extended in [5,8] and SPA was generalized in [32] to stochastic linear systems. With this first extension, however, no L 2 -error bound can be achieved [6,12]. Therefore, an alternative approach based on a different reachability Gramian was studied for stochastic linear systems leading to an L 2 -error bound for BT [12] and for SPA [31].BT [1,5] and SPA [18] were also generalized to bilinear systems, which we refer to as the standard approach for these systems. Although bilinear terms are very weak nonlinearities, they can be seen as a bridge between linear and nonlinear systems. This is because many nonlinear systems can be represented by bilinear systems using a so-called Carleman linearization. Applications of these equations can be found in various fields [10,24,33]. The standard approach for bilinear