Chapter 1 General introduction Chapter 2 Effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension of lowachieving adolescents. The importance of specific teacher skills. Chapter 3 Effectiveness of reciprocal teaching for reading comprehension: A two-year study in a whole-classroom setting with low-achieving adolescents. Appendices Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Does vocabulary knowledge matter in the effectiveness of teaching reading strategies? Differential responses from low-achieving adolescents on growth in reading comprehension. Appendices Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Effectiveness of reading-strategy interventions in classrooms: A meta-analysis. Appendices Chapter 5 Chapter 6 General discussion References Samenvatting in het Nederlands Dankwoord (Acknowledgements) About the Author | Publications and Presentations ICO Dissertation Series General introduction 10 ChaPTer 1 14 ChaPTer 1 find evidence for the overall effects of interventions directed at instructing reading strategies on reading comprehension in whole-classroom contexts. To establish the overall effects of instructing reading strategies, a search of the literature published in a period of more than a decade yielded a total of 52 studies, which comprised 125 experimental comparisons, for five different types of dependent variables: standardized tests for reading comprehension, researcher-developed reading comprehension tests, strategic ability, strategy knowledge and self-reported strategy-use. In addition, moderation analyses were performed with the following characteristics: intervention-(e.g. different reading strategies, didactic principles, type of trainer), student-(grade and type of reader), and study-design (type of control group and type of design). These moderation analyses provide information about which of these characteristics may determine the magnitude of intervention effects found.