For a given finite Boolean algebra with r (r 2 2) atoms we consider the set BF(r) of all polynomials produced bysuperpositions of the main operations and r atomic constants. Using the isomoFhism between BF(r) and P; , the arity-calibrated product of r two-valued logic algebras Pz , and also the description of all maximal subalgebras of
P i , we establish a general completeness criterion in BF(r), a Sheer criterion for a single Boolean function to be a generating element in BF(r), and Slupecki type criterion in BF(r) as well.We consider finite Boolean algebras as finite distributive lattices with complement. Due to a well-known result ( see e.g.[l],Ch.V) any algebra of such kind is isomorphic to the 2' -element Boolean e e b r a on the set of all subsets of r-element set of its atoms. So, in what follows, Rr) is the set of all subsets of r = {e,, ..., e, } ( r 2 2 ) and C wr); 0 , el,.*., e,, U, n, 1 > is the Boolean algebra with r atoms having in its signature the empty set, the atoms, the union, the intersection and the complement.The polynomials in this algebra (i.e. operations constructed from the main operations, the projections, and the atomic constants by superposition) are called Boolean functions or Boolean operations of rank r. Denote by BF(r) the set of all Boolean functions. Functions from BF(r), r 2 2 , play an essential role as building blocks of set-valued logic networks which serve as a mathematical apparatus for the wave-parallel (wire-free) computing architecture design (see e.g. [2]).Example. Let r=2. Hence, we have 4-element set B (2) with atoms e, and e,. Assume #l(X)=(ie, n X)U(e, n l x ) , MN= ( l e , n x)u(~, n W, then hm,, x,, 262 0-8186-7392-3/96 $05.00 0 1996 IEEE