Abstract-Normal "master-slave" relationship between the action potential (AP) and intracellular Ca 2ĎŠ transient (Ca i T) is sometimes altered during ventricular fibrillation (VF). The nature of AP/Ca i T dissociation during VF and its role in inducing wavebreaks (WBs) remain unclear. We simultaneously mapped AP (RH237) and Ca i T (Rhod-2) during VF in blood-perfused pig hearts. We computed AP and Ca i T dominant frequency (DF) and Ca i T delay in each AP cycle. We identified WBs as singularity points in AP phase movies and sites of conduction block (CB) as sites where an AP wavefront failed to propagate. We analyzed spatiotemporal relationship between abnormal AP/Ca i T sequences and CB sites. We used a calcium chelator (BAPTA-AM) to abolish Ca i T and test its involvement in WB formation. During VF, the DF difference between AP and Ca i T was Ď˝10% of the respective values in 95% of pixels, and 80% of all Ca i T upstrokes occurred during the initial 25% of the excitation cycle. Aberrant sequences of AP and Ca i T occurred almost exclusively near CB sites but could be traced to normal wavefront sequences away from CB sites. Thus, apparent AP/Ca i T dissociation was largely attributable to spatial uncertainty of the absolute position of block of each wave. BAPTA-AM reduced Ca i T amplitude to 30.5ĎŽ12.9% of control and the DF of AP from 12.2ĎŽ1.6 to 10.4ĎŽ1.3Hz (PĎ˝0.01), but did not significantly alter WB incidence (0.76ĎŽ0.19 versus 0.72ĎŽ0.19SP/mm 2 ). These results do not support presence of spontaneous, non-voltage-gated Ca i Ts during VF and suggest that AP/Ca i T dissociation is a consequence rather than a cause of wave fragmentation. (Circ Res. 2007;101:e90-e101.) Key Words: ventricular fibrillation â
˘ pig heart â
˘ action potential â
˘ calcium transient â
˘ wavebreak R ecurrent wave fragmentation, or wavebreak (WB), is a hallmark of ventricular fibrillation (VF). 1,2 Wavebreak occurs when a propagating wavefront encounters an obstacle which may result from electrophysiological heterogeneities, [3][4][5][6] intrinsic repolarization instabilities, 7,8 anatomic structures, 9 or regional ischemia. 10 Repolarization instabilities in the form of action potential duration (APD) alternans are at least in part mediated by beat-to-beat changes in L-type Ca 2ĎŠ current (I Ca,L ) and Na ĎŠ -Ca 2ĎŠ exchanger (NCX). 2,11 These currents are bidirectionally coupled to intracellular Ca 2ĎŠ (Ca i ) cycling, so that Ca 2ĎŠ influx via I Ca,L triggers Ca 2ĎŠ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), whereas an increase in Ca i modulates inactivation of I Ca,L and the transsarcolemmal current generated by NCX. 12 SR Ca 2ĎŠ cycling can exhibit intrinsic dynamics in the form of Ca i transient (Ca i T) alternans (even when the AP waveform is fixed under voltage clamp) 13 and in the form of spontaneous, non-voltage-gated Ca 2ĎŠ releases. 12 It was hypothesized that such intrinsic dynamics of Ca i T can promote APD fluctuations at high excitation rates and thus contribute to mechanisms of WB during VF. 2,13 To test this hypothesis, Omichi et al 14...