Tyrosinase induction in murine malignant melanoeytes by gMSH is well known, but its molecular basis has not been characterized. Treatment of BI6 melanoma cells with theophylline or rrMSH mediates a larger induction of tyrosine hydroxylase than of dopa oxidase activity in total cell extracts, and in the melanosomal and microsomal fractions. No evidence for the modulation of a tyrosinase effector was found. SDS-PAGE and slY~ific activity stain demonstrated two forms of tyro.,i~ase, with different degrees of induction by theophylline. These results agree with the recent proposal that two tyrosinases, encoded by different genes, are present in murine melanoeytes. cells in culture trigger the preferential expression of a tyrosinase isoenzyme different from the majority form found in untreated cells. Both forms differ in their electrophoretie mobility in non-reducing SDS-PAGE and in their catalytic properties. The isoenzyme preferentially induced by melanogenic agents displays a larger ratio of tyrosine hydroxylase to dopa oxidase activity, and would therefore mainly affect the first, rate limiting, step of the pathway. This finding conveniently accounts for most of the apparently controversial data in the literature.
2,1. Cell culture attd treatment with melanogenic effectorsBI6-F10 mouse melanoma cells were originally a kind gift of Dr. V. Hearing and have been maintained as described [8], BI6 melanocytes were culttared either on 96-well plates or in 75 cm: flasks from Nunc (Denmark). When using 9f-well plates, cells were seeded at a density of 5,000 ceils per well in 200/.tl of medium. After 24 h, serial dilutions of the melanogenie effectors were added in $0/,tl of medium, and the plate was further incubated for 48 h. Each concentration was assayed in six independent wells the contents of which were pooled by pairs before measurements so as to assay enzymatic activities in triplicate. To obtain higher amounts of cells for subcgllular fraetionation experiments. 5 • I0 S cells were sceclcd in 75 am" flasks, incubated for 24 h and then a volume of medium containing the desired con~ntra-lion of the melanogenic agent was added.
Subcellular fractionattonCells were harvested by trypsin treatment and washed twice by centrifugation in homogenization buffer (HB, 10 mM phosphate pH 6.8, 0.25 M sucrose, 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM PMSF). The washed cells were suspended in HB at about I07 c.ll~'ml and disrupt,-d M a loosefitting, manual, glass-teflon homogenizer, at 4"C. A post-nuclear supernatant was obtained by centrifugation at 700 x g, and further
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