Objective To investigate the frequency and spectrum of lipophilic Malassezia yeasts within the area of the glans penis and preputial space in healthy men, most of whom were uncircumcised. Subjects and methods As the glans penis and the prepuce are abundant in sebaceous glands, 130 clinically healthy men were examined for the presence of Malassezia spp. Two impression preparations each were made on modi®ed Dixon (mDixon) and LeemingNotman agar. The media were used with no added cycloheximide to allow the identi®cation of the full spectrum of Candida yeasts. After 10 days of incubation at 32uC Malassezia and Candida yeasts were differentiated by micromorphological and biochemical criteria. Results Malassezia spp. were found as part of the micro¯ora of the glans penis in 49% of the men.The two media yielded comparable results for isolation frequency and spectrum: On mDixon agar, 47.6% of the isolates were identi®ed as M. sympodialis, 42.8% as M. globosa, 4.8% as M. pachydermatis and 2.4% as M. furfur. Candida spp. (especially C. albicans) were found in 20.8%. There were no signi®cant differences in the distribution of different Malassezia spp with age. Conclusions Malassezia yeasts may belong to the resident micro¯ora of the male genital region, which is supported by the ®nding that free sebaceous glands (`Tyson's glands') normally occur at this site. They may also be involved in pathological processes of the glans penis, e.g. balanitis, seborrheic eczema or psoriasis.