Since the advent of mobile phones, m obile technologies and the related serv ice markets have been growing rapidl y. In particular, the mobile health indus try has recently been recognized as on e of the most promising industries. Th erefore, this study analyzed the influen ce of consumers' lifestyle on health ap plication (briefly app) consumption. Thi s study employs twenty lifestyle variab les consisting of health related variabl es such as exercise, drinking, smokin g, obesity index and general lifestyle variables such as mobile phone use ti me and public transportation type. The analysis was performed through three steps based on the following techniqu es: rule induction technique, logistic re gression analysis, and artificial neural network. The results showed that healt h app consumption was significantly i mpacted by six lifestyle variables, who se order of importance was as follows: obesity index, mobile phone use time, sleeping time, body shape, breakfast, and health expenditure. In addition, th e test predictive power of these variabl es was 74.8%. The results of this rese arch are expected to be useful for mob ile health service providers to design new app-based services or develop m arketing strategies for their services. [CONTENTS] ABSTRACT Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Mobile Health App & Lifestyle Ⅲ. Analysis Methods Ⅳ. Research Procedure and Data Ⅴ. Research Results Ⅵ. Conclusion References 국문초록