The Makkovik Province is a segment of a Paleoproterozoic accretionary belt (the Makkovik-Ketilidian orogen) that developed on the southern margin of Laurentia at 1.9-1.7 Ga. In contrast to coeval Laurentian orogenic belts that mainly resulted from collision of Archean plates, Makkovikian-Ketilidian orogenesis was dominated by active-margin processes including continental margin arc plutonism and juvenile terrane accretion, both of which were accompanied by regional transpression. In the Makkovik Province, earliest deformation and amphibolite-facies metamorphism of Paleoproterozoic rift-drift assemblages (Post Hill and Moran Lake groups) and the Archean foreland (Nain Province) occurred at 1.9 Ga in response to accretion of a Paleoproterozoic island arc. Following this collision, cratonward-dipping subduction was established, resulting in the formation of the 1895-1870 Ma Island Harbour Bay Plutonic Suite, a calc-alkaline magmatic arc built on reworked Archean crust. Crust formation continued between ca. 1860 and 1850 Ma with deposition of the Aillik Group on a largely juvenile basement in a rifted-arc or back-arc setting. Sometime before 1802 Ma this depositional basin was tectonically inverted, with resultant northwestward thrusting of the Aillik Group over reworked Archean crust. This phase of deformation may have been driven by accretion of a second island arc potentially represented by the Cape Harrison Metamorphic Suite. Regional transpression and amphibolite-facies metamorphism at ca. 1815-1780 Ma were accompanied by widespread granitoid plutonism. These events were mainly concentrated in the juvenile domains and are thought to reflect processes in a broad continental back-arc setting. A final orogenic pulse, marked by regional greenschist-facies transpression and emplacement of A-type granitoid plutons, occurred between 1740 and 1700 Ma, with deformation and plutonism potentially linked to crust-mantle detachment and incursion of mafic magmas at the base of the crust, respectively. The record of crustal development suggests that the coeval themes of spatially and temporally linked structural and plutonic activity, oceanward migration of this activity over time, and a trend toward increasingly more localized deformation occurred throughout the orogenic history of the Makkovik Province. These characteristics are thought to broadly reflect oceanward crustal growth of the orogen over time. In the correlative Ketilidian mobile belt of southern Greenland, these themes were also operative but appear to have been less pronounced, most likely due to minimal or a complete absence of accretion of island-arc material.
730Résumé : La Province de Makkovik est un segment d'une ceinture d'accrétion paléoprotérozoïque (l'orogène Makkovikkétilidien) qui s'est développée sur la bordure sud de la Laurentia vers 1,9-1,7 Ga. Contrairement aux ceintures orogéniques contemporaines laurentiennes qui résultent principalement de la collision de plaques archéennes, l'orogène Makkovikkétilidien a été dominé par des processus de marges...