The Cobequid Highlands of Nova Scotia constitute a horst, originally developed in the latest Devonian, exposing Neoproterozoic Avalon terrane rocks on the northern side of the Cobequid Fault. The Neoproterozoic rocks consist of arc volcanic and plutonic rocks and associated sedimentary rocks in two major blocks. The geology of the Jeffers block is similar to that of the Antigonish Highlands, with volcanic rocks and turbidites intruded by granodioritic and granitic plutons. The Bass River block, in the southeast, shows evidence of shear-zone emplacement of a suite of plutonic rocks ranging from gabbro to granodiorite to granite into tectonically juxtaposed ocean fl oor volcanic and shelf sedimentary rocks. The highlands are dominated by E-W trending faults of the Late Paleozoic Cobequid Shear Zone, which developed during oblique convergence between the Avalon and Meguma terranes, and which facilitated the emplacement of gabbro and granite plutons and their extrusive equivalents (Fountain Lake Group) in the latest Devonian -earliest Carboniferous. Lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks, including Silurian to early Devonian shelf sandstone and siltstone, were highly dismembered by faults associated with terrane convergence. The youngest stratifi ed rocks in the Cobequid Highlands comprise fl uvial and lacustrine sedimentary rocks of the latest Devonian -Tournaisian Horton Group, which accumulated in fault-bound basins. This paper reviews the regional geology of the Cobequid Highlands and provides a comprehensive bibliography of recent work.