Soarinho Alkaline Intrusion, southeastern Brazil, makes part of the Serra do Mar Igneous Province, and it is composed of alkali feldspar syenite, alkali feldspar trachyte, quartz syenite, and mon-zonite. Geochemical and geochronological analysis of the Soarinho were compared with data from its neighbors Rio Bonito and Tanguá. Zircon U-Pb Laser Ablation ages show that Soarinho is youngest than Rio Bonito and Tanguá. Ages obtained from the monzonite (60 ± 2 Ma), alkali feldspar syenite (58 ± 2 Ma), and quartz syenite (58 ± 2 Ma) are indistinguishable within error. Petrographic and geochemical data show a clear contrast among Soarinho, Rio Bonito, Tanguá, and Lu-Hf isotopic data for the three alkaline intrusions (all negative), point to some similarities in their sources. The data suggest an enriched mantle source for Soarinho; however, an older con-tinental crust contribution cannot be discarded.