“…Fluency is computed by taking the inverse of cross-entropy, according to an in-domain language model. Both measures are combined ID Participating team CMU-LTI Carnegie Melon University, US (Hu et al, 2018) JU-USAAR Jadavpur University, India & University of Saarland, Germany (Basu et al, 2018) MQE Vicomtech, Spain (Etchegoyhen et al, 2018) QEbrain Alibaba Group Inc, US RTM Referential Translation Machines, Turkey (Biçici, 2018) SHEF University of Sheffield, UK (Ive et al, 2018b) TSKQE University of Hamburg (Duma and Menzel, 2018) UAlacant University of Alacant, Spain (Sánchez-Martíínez et al, 2018) UNQE Jiangxi Normal University, China UTartu University of Tartu, Estonia (Yankovskaya et al, 2018) via simple arithmetic means on rescaled values, i.e., no machine learning is used. Since it is unsupervised, the method can only be meaningfully evaluated on the ranking task.…”