Broadening of the use in domestic steel plants of submerged graphite-containing nozzles in casting of various types of steel has revealed a known complication in operation of continuous casting machines related to a decrease in the through cross-section of the channel and the holes of the submerged nozzle.This process is an obstacle to long continuous casting of steel.Clogging of submerged nozzles and prevention (slowing) of this process have more than once been the subject of investigations [1][2][3][4].In a number of works [3, 5] the influence of the submerged nozzle material on formation of alumina-containing deposits has been evaluated.The processes occurring at the temperature of casting of the steel in the refractory itself taking into consideration the presence in it of a deoxidizer, carbon (graphite, coke residue of the carbon binder), have been considered.The reaction has the general form:Refractory Refractory Gaseous Products In the gaseous state AI20 and SiO diffuse into the wall of the nozzle in the direction of growth of the temperature gradient toward the surface of the nozzle channel and then into the molten metal.On the interface of the phases and close to it reactions of oxidation of the gaseous suboxides occur :in which the oxidizer is oxygen of the steel liberated as the result of the decrease in the temperature of the metal in the layer near the wall and also oxygen liberated in occurrence of the reactionOne of the most important sources of alumina inclusinos must be assumed to be products of deoxidation of the steel with aluminum and depending upon the method of deoxidation, use of ladle treatment, and casting conditions products of either primary or secondary oxidation of the components of the steel predominate in the deposits.In continuous casting of steel containing more than 0.02% aluminum clogging of the nozzle channel occurs as the result of the aluminate deposit on its walls.Small amounts of Ca impurity form with the alumina type CaO.6AI203 hard refractory inclusions with a melting point above 1800~[6].The process of precipitation of oxides is promoted by the presence of irregularities on the inner surface of the submerged nozzle channel.Obviously a certain contribution to the process is made by the hydraulics of flow of metal through the channel of the submerged nozzle.Two features must be emphasized. In the first in the near-wall layer of the liquid (in the given case molten metal) the rate of flow is significantly less than along the axis of the channel while in the second in certain situations (condition of the tundish nozzle, conditions of stopping and shutting off the steel tapping hole) an eddy effect may occur in the stream of metal, especially in the lower portion of the nozzle in the zone of the holes.