In the genesis and later development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), endothelial dysfunction (ED) has a crucial role. AMD-risk factors, which play a decisive role in AMD, are in a close connection, correlate with, and often are identical wih the risk factors (RFs) of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), so that it can reasonably be presumed that the two conditions have a similar pathogenesis. These risk factors, which seem essentially different, lead to chronic vascular injury based on the same mechanism of action: by inducing oxidative stress (OS). ED itself is a consequential-consecutive phenomenon (OS→ED!), and is a clinico-pathophysiologically important connecting link between harm(s)/noxa and vascular injury (harm [noxa] → oxidative stress (OS) → endothelial activation (EA), endothelial dysfunction (ED), respectively → vacular injury, vascular disease). Disordered function of endothelium in the vessels supplying the affected ocular structures with blood (ED) have a key role in the genesis and development of age-related macular degeneration. Changes in blood vessels including those in choroids may be triggered by several repeated and/or prolonged mechanical, physical, chemical, microbiological, immunologic, and genetic influences/impacts/noxa (in fact, the risk factors!), against which protracted response 1 **) (increased ROS formation → oxidative stress → endothelial activation/dysfunction → aftermath of EA/ED) may develop, and in consequence of this, (chronic) vascular damage (functional and then structural alteration [remodelling] of the blood vessel), pathological consecutive changes ending in AMD, ultimately, may develop (choriocapillaris degenerates in exudative AMD, choriocapillaris degeneration precedes retinal pigment epithelial atrophy in wet AMD). All this goes to show that AMD may be a local manifestation of systemic (vascular) disease, undoubtedly. AMD is the disease of the aging body. Normal aging processes can lead to structural and blood flow changes that can predispose patients to AMD. Advancing age is a privotal and independent risk factor for vascular disease as can be understood from the fact that aging individuals often demonstrate dysfunctional blood vessel repair after vascular injury and aging per se, in the absence of other risk factors is associated with oxidative/nitrosative stress and inflammatory changes in the phenotype of blood vessels (primary abnormalities in ocular perfusion worsen with age, secondarily causing dysfunction of the retinal pigment epithelial cells, predisposing eyes to AMD), these changes together with individual's (environmental) risk factors set the stage for the development Fischer 43 of AMD. Regarding therapy/preventive treatment/prevention of AMD: (I) Non-medicinal (preventive) treatment such as lifestyle modifications of AMD patients (modifying lifestyles behavours of diet, smoking and physical activity) is of indispensable importance; they influence strongly and very beneficially the established vascular risk factors and also advantageously affect ...