“…It turned out that with this procedure, a semicircular strip of cerebral cortex covering parts of gyrus sigmoideus posterior, gyrus lateralis, and gyrus postlateralis remained intensely stainednot only in anoxic but also in normoxic control animals-and that the staining was caused by aggregation of dye particles in vessels in which the blood was not properly washed out. The topical pattern of washout failure resembled the previously described histopathological pattern of brain injury after transient experimental occlusion of the pulmonary artery, 5 as well as the pattern of granular atrophy in the cerebral form of von Winiwarter-Buerger's disease, 6 both of which localized to the border zones between the supplying territories of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries. The authors, therefore, cautiously raised the question, whether this similarity might be mehr als eine äußere (more than apparent).…”