1. Growing cells of a small number of strains of Acetomonas oxydans oxidized d-quinate to 5-dehydroquinate. 2. d-Shikimate was oxidized to 4,5-dihydroxy-3-oxocyclohex-1-ene-1-carboxylate (3-dehydroshikimate, formerly 5-dehydroshikimate). 3. d-Dihydroshikimate was oxidized to the corresponding 5-dehydro compound, but epidihydroshikimate oxidation by growing cells was not observed. 4. Cell-free extracts oxidized d-quinate to 5-dehydroquinate with the consumption of the stoicheiometric amount of oxygen, but oxidation of shikimate and dihydroshikimate did not go to completion. 5. Oxidation of quinate was brought about by a constitutive particulate enzyme probably localized in the cytoplasmic membrane. No evidence was found for the participation of NAD, NADP or free flavine compounds in electron transport, but the system was cytochrome-linked.