Let Λ be a strongly connected, finite higher-rank graph. In this paper, we construct representations of C * (Λ) on certain separable Hilbert spaces of the form L 2 (X, µ), by introducing the notion of a Λ-semibranching function system (a generalization of the semibranching function systems studied by Marcolli and Paolucci). In particular, if Λ is aperiodic, we obtain a faithful representation ofwhere M is the Perron-Frobenius probability measure on the infinite path space Λ ∞ recently studied by an Huef, Laca, Raeburn, and Sims. We also show how a Λ-semibranching function system gives rise to KMS states for C * (Λ). For the higher-rank graphs of Robertson and Steger, we also obtain a representation of, where X is a fractal subspace of [0, 1] by embedding Λ ∞ into [0, 1] as a fractal subset X of [0,1]. In this latter case we additionally show that there exists a KMS state for C * (Λ) whose inverse temperature is equal to the Hausdorff dimension of X. Finally, we construct a wavelet system for L 2 (Λ ∞ , M ) by generalizing the work of Marcolli and Paolucci from graphs to higher-rank graphs.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46L05.