Abstract:This study was performed to determine the prevalance, causative microorganisms and antimicrobial susceptibility of microorganisms in goat subclinical mastitis around Hatay. A total of 1010 mammary halves of 505 goats were examined by California Mastitis Test (CMT). The somatic cell counts (SCC) were determined by microscopic method. Isolation and identification of microorganisms were carried out by conventional microbiologic methods. Staphylococci were further differentiated by API-STAPH system. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by disc diffusion method. The prevalance of the subclinical mastitis was found 8.71 %. The most prevalent microorganism was staphylococci (71.5%). Microorganisms except Staphylococci were Streptococci (8%), Bacillus spp. (5.7%), Escherischia coli (4.5%), Corynebacterium spp. (3.4%), Pseudomonas spp. (2.3%) and Acinetobacteri spp. (2.3%). In addition, mix infection was defined in 2.3% of samples. Highly resistance was found against penicilin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, gentamicin, amoxicillin. Slightly resistance was found against enrofloxacin, amoxicillin-clavulonic acid, kanamycin plus cephalexin and there was no resistance against cefalotin. It was concluded that, prevalance of subclinical mastitis should be cared; also staphylococci especially Coagulase negative staphylococci are the most commonly isolated bacteria in subclinical mastitis around Hatay. In goat mastitis diagnosis strong positive CMT results should be cared. CMT and SCC results should be supported with microbiologic tests. 3) de izole edildi. Ek olarak örneklerin % 2.3'ünde miks enfeksiyon saptandı. Antibiyotik duyarlılık testlerine göre penisilin, eritromisin, oksitetrasiklin, gentamisin, amoksisilin'e karşı yüksek oranda direç gözlendi. Enrofloksasin, amoksisilin klavulonik asit, kanamisin ve sefaleksin'e karşı orta düzeyde direnç saptanırken, sefalotine karşı direnç yoktu. Sonuç olarak Hatay çevresinde keçi sürülerinde subklinik mastitisin prevalansının dikkate değer seviyelerde olduğu, koagülaz negatif stafilokokların en fazla izole edilen mikroorganizmalar olduğu belirlendi. Keçilerde subklinik mastitis tanısında kuvvetli CMT reasksiyonlarının dikkate alınması gerektiği, CMT ve somatik hücre sayılarının mikrobiyolojik yöntemlerle desteklenmeleri gerektiği kanısına varıldı.