Jombang regency is one of the endemic areas of DBD disease in East Java. Aedes aegypti vector control efforts one of them uses insecticides. Insecticides that are used are malathion as an ingredient in the fogging process. Fogging allows insecticides longer to be in the air so that enough time to make contact with the targeted insect, especially the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Malathion has been used for a long time in efforts to control vectors of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, especially in Indonesia. This study aims to determine Aedes aegypti resistance status to malathion 0.8% in Kesamben, Peterongan, and Sumobito subdistricts, Jombang Regency, East Java. This resistance test uses standards from those who used impregnated paper. Aedes aegypti test results in 3 subdistricts are still vulnerable to malathion 0.8%. The conclusion of testing Aedes aegypti mosquito resistance in Kesamben, Peterongan, and Sumobito subdistricts, Jombang Regency, East Java shows it is still vulnerable to malathion 0.8% with an average mosquito death percentage of 99%.