Objectives. Behaviours that challenge (BtC) reflect the most costly and burdensome aspects of dementia where non-pharmacological interventions rather than antipsychotic medication have been recommended as first-line approaches for over a decade (NICE 2006). This paper outlines professionals' views about their application of the Dementia NICE Guideline 97 (2018) and a British Psychological Society, Division of Clinical Psychology (BPS-DCP) Briefing paper (2013) on alternatives to antipsychotics. Methods. A mixed-methods 34-item e-survey, with five items about the use of the NICE Guideline 97 (2018) and the BPS-DCP Briefing paper (2013) for the management of BtC, was conducted. Participants were recruited through multidisciplinary professional dementia networks across the United Kingdom. Quantitative data were descriptively summarized and thematic analysis of open-ended questions undertaken.Results. Two hundred and forty-seven participants completed the questions relating to guidelines. Mean ratings of 'moderately useful' for both the NICE and BPS-DCP guidance were obtained across professions and geographical locations, with the exception of psychiatrists who rated the NICE guidance as 'slightly useful'. The qualitative themes identified were a mix of positive and cautionary perspectives, relating to 'evidence base', the 'accessibility of the guides', 'problems with implementation', and 'lack of detail and clarity'.
Conclusion.Professionals were cautiously positive regarding the guidance for BtC management, but highlighted a need for improved clarity about the use of nonpharmacological approaches, and more specificity about how these can be implemented in clinical settings. Tailored 'setting-specific' toolkits are required to update and refine the BPS-DCP (2013) if the aspirations of the NICE Dementia Guideline 97 (2018) are to inform professional practice.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.