Let us start by reminding ourselves what research is! It typically should start with the identification of a relevant research question and continue with the assessment of the state of the art on this specific topic. Then, follows designing the research methods. The data collection and analysis are followed by the discussion of the findings by comparing them with the existing knowledge and thus offering a new contribution. When this is completed, the dissemination comes into play. The dissemination can for example be a book, a paper, a conference presentation, a blog, a report or a discussion. Eventually, the research and its dissemination may contribute to make change. Although the research process is long and complex and it comprises many subcomponents, we often hear scholars mentioning that they are "publishing a paper". Why has the last phase of conducting research gained precedence over the others? In the late 1980s and the early 1990s period, academic research started to be evaluated and quantified (Tsui and McKiernan, 2022). Instead of the traditional channels for disseminating research, such as books and policy papers, the focus shifted to assessing the perceived quality of academic journals using metrics like the Journal Impact Factor (Tsui and McKiernan, 2022). This marked the beginning of a continuing trend in academia, where scholars increasingly prioritized publishing in prestigious journals while diminishing the reliance on other forms of publication. The publish-or-perish culture (POP-culture) supported by all kind of rankings and metrics has created an unfriendly environment for relevant research. Support for the mainstream formulaic research, limited room for qualitative and longitudinal studies and the limited use of innovative methods, are some of the shortcomings of the POP-culture. The present publish-or-perish culture distances scholars from the research development stage and urges scholars to focus on a research dissemination stage. Perceived prestigious or top tier journal publications are given priority. This further restricts the choices for the research.Management scholarship is increasingly under scrutiny as criticism abounds. Academia has lost reflection, and scholars are becoming publishing technicians. Most researchers predominantly continue with their research endeavors in a conventional manner. They concentrate on addressing gaps in existing literature while constructing and refining theories that often lack clear links to practical application (Tsui and McKiernan, 2022). There is an erosion of faith in the academic labour procedure (Ozbilgin, 2009). First, due the decline in the vocational professional nature and emphasis on public contribution in academic endeavours. Second, due to the emergence of self-serving and profit-oriented principles. Thus, there is an urge to return to meaning (