Background:To meet the needs of the ageing population, more geriatric medicine doctors are required. We aimed to determine: (i) career preferences of junior doctors with an interest in geriatric medicine, (ii) factors influencing the likelihood of junior doctors undertaking a career in geriatric medicine and (iii) whether a geriatric medicine conference for junior doctors influenced their views on the specialty and their likelihood of choosing it as a career option. Methods: All delegates who registered to attend the 'Geriatrics for Juniors' conference (G4J) were invited to complete both a pre-and post-conference survey online. Delegates' free-text responses were subjected to thematic analysis. Differences between paired ordinal data from pre-and post-conference surveys were determined using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: A total of 108 delegates attended G4J. Pre-and post-conference survey response rates were 67% and 51% respectively. Commonly reported deterrents to a career in geriatric medicine included 'being the medical registrar' (27.1% of respondents) and 'second-class specialty' (20.6%). There was a statistically significant difference between pre-and post-conference responses, with a tendency towards less agreement with the statement 'the prospect of being the medical registrar puts me off applying for higher specialty training in geriatric medicine' (Z=-2.512; p=0.012).
Conclusions:The perceived unattractive nature of the medical registrar role may deter some junior doctors from a career in geriatric medicine. A lack of clarity regarding the nature of the specialty still exists. Targeted educational interventions, such as G4J, may positively influence junior doctors' perceptions of the specialty and the role of the medical registrar. We aimed to determine: (i) career preferences of junior doctors who have expressed an interest in geriatric medicine, (ii) factors influencing the likelihood of junior doctors undertaking a career in geriatric medicine and (iii) whether a geriatric medicine conference, designed specifically for junior doctors, influenced their views on the specialty and their likelihood of choosing it as a career option.
MeTHODSThe Association for Elderly Medicine Education, a nonprofit organisation set up by three geriatric medicine trainees in the north east of England, held its inaugural conference, 'Geriatrics for Juniors' (G4J) in September 2013. The aims of G4J were to attract junior doctors to the specialty of geriatric medicine and to provide practical advice that junior doctors could apply to the care of elderly patients.Advertised nationally via deanery mailing lists and social media, the conference included lectures on the majority of geriatric medicine sub-specialties, predominantly delivered by geriatric medicine consultants. The programme also included sessions that focused on the practicalities of a career in the specialty: applying to a training programme (delivered by the regional training programme director for geriatric medicine) and worklife b...