Background: More effective therapy is needed for the treatment of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN). The clinical efficacy of intravenous ulinastatin therapy was investigated in 3 Japanese pediatric patients with SJS or TEN. Methods: Ulinastatin was given to 1 pediatric SJS patient and 2 pediatric TEN patients within 7 days (patient 1; SJS), 6 days (patient 2; TEN), or 4 days (patient 3; TEN) after the onset of the skin rash. Ulinastatin was administered intravenously at a dose of 7,500 U/kg/day (maximum dose: 300,000 U/day). No corticosteroids were given. After the skin lesions resolved, the ulinastatin dose was reduced to between 2,500 and 5,000 U/kg/day as maintenance therapy and then the drug was withdrawn. Results: Erythema, fatigue, and fever improved within 12–36 h of starting the ulinastatin infusion, and the skin lesions resolved completely after 4–7 days of ulinastatin therapy. None of the patients had cutaneous or ocular sequelae. No patient developed secondary infection or relapse and ulinastatin therapy caused no side effects. Conclusion: Ulinastatin dramatically reduced the febrile period with no adverse effects and was very safe in this study. Ulinastatin appears to be a useful and effective therapy for controlling SJS and TEN without sequelae.