Homoeopathic system of medicine is based on Law of Similars, that is, principle of ‘Like cures like’. These ultra-diluted forms of medicine are prescribed on the basis of symptom similarity (individualised therapeutic) which helps in stimulating body's own defence mechanisms to fight against the pathogen. Homoeopathy had been tested in various preclinical studies for deciphering its properties of immunomodulatory on markers like tumour necrosis factor alpha, CD4 and antiviral effects in adenovirus 5, herpes simplex virus-1, respiratory syncytial virus and human rhinovirus which are elaborated. Effects of homoeopathic medicine on mild viral infections and CD4+ count are elaborated. A note on study design based on clinical trial of upper respiratory tract infections might be helpful in designing study for exploring immunomodulatory and antiviral effects of homoeopathic medicines.