In January 2016, the book Gas no convencional: shale gas. Aspectos estratégicos, técnicos, medioambientales y regulatorios was published. As we pointed out in the prologue of the book, the study of unconventional gas is within the lines of knowledge of the Energy Chair of Orkestra of the University of Deusto. In fact, three main lines of study are currently covered. Namely Energy markets, Energy Industry and Technology, and Energy Policy. The approach to the shale gas study that the reader has in his hands, in our view, covers a wide scope of topics, including the strategic aspects, the technical topics related to the exploration, drilling and hydraulic fracturing, as well as the environmental aspects and the regulation processes for exploration. One of the characteristics of the research of the Energy Chair is to try to work with a network of institutions, universities and professionals with experience and knowledge in the specific topics that we analyze. In this case, from the very beginning, it was though that the creation and implementation of a group of experts would be particularly valuable, so an Advisory Group and a Reviewers Group were put in place. The relevant professionals and institutions that we have the honor to count on are reflected in this study. Given the participation of the members of the Advisory Group and the Reviewers Group, the first draft of the study was written in English. At the beginning of the project, Nerea Álvarez, mining engineer, produced a first draft. The English version was translated into Spanish and later, when Claudia Suárez joined the Energy Chair of Orkestra, she was fully involved to revise, extend and improve the study. In the process, we decided to focus our improvements in the Spanish version and to publish a book in Spanish. This study does not cover exactly all aspects and details dealt with in the book. Therefore, the document cannot be considered, in strict sense, a full and complete translation of the book, although many improvements of the Spanish book have been incorporated to the first draft in English.