The cultural heritage of Talas, an important village in Kayseri, was documented by a project team of eleven individuals between the summer of 2007 and the winter of 2009. This took place in the context of the documentation of cultural heritage as carried out by Turkish Cultural Branch of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA-TÜKSEK). Site surveys were carried out by two teams in two areas determined by the topography of Talas. The first, a level area of fields is located close to the Kayseri city center, and the second, on the lower slopes of Mount Erciyes. The documentation criteria and working principles of the teams were based on a common approach, but they were adapted to suit the two individual study areas. The primary investigator unified the various works under a general umbrella. Severe climate conditions delayed completion of the project. Our work began in June 2007 and could not be completed until 2009, effectively lasting about a year and a half. The project focused on all the traditional structures within the town proper. New structures (using modern construction techniques and materials) were not included in the detailed study while mosques, churches, traditional trade centers and examples of civil architecture were all respectively documented. In this framework 412 traditional buildings and 488 modern structures totalling nearly 900 were documented. Three hundred sixty of the 412 structures were studied in detail. Plan sketches were drawn, the structures were measured, digital photos were taken and GPS coordinates were taken. The remaining 52 were not studied in detail do to structural problems but they were nonetheless inventoried, photographed and their GPS coordinates were recorded. This study was supported by Erciyes University and the Talas Municipality. GİRİŞ Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, Türkiye Kültür Sek törü (TÜBA-TÜKSEK) programı çerçevesinde yürütülen Türkiye Kültür Envanteri Projesi kap samında Kayseri İli'nin Talas İlçesi'nde Kentsel Envanter çalışması aşağıdaki ekip tarafından ger çekleştirilmiştir.