Alternatively, one loads the atoms first in a magnetic trap and performs evaporative cooling and afterward transfers a dense and compact atomic cloud into an ODT, which now requires a much lower ODT power, at the expense of experimental complexity. Within this last category, a very elegant approach is the hybrid trap (HT), introduced in Ref.[1], consisting of a simple quadrupole magnetic trap (QMT) and a single-beam ODT. Efficient evaporation and BoseEinstein condensation (BEC) have been demonstrated (see, e.g., [1][2][3]), using ODT powers of only a few Watts. By switching off the QMT completely, the atoms are transferred from the HT to a pure ODT.The hybrid trap has been mostly applied to 87 Rb, but is assumed to be generally applicable to other magnetically trappable atomic species [1]. However, the application of HT strongly depends on the mass of atom. Most importantly, the rates of Majorana loss and heating, which determine the temperature that can be reached by evaporative cooling in a QMT, scale inversely with mass [4,5]. This limits the transfer efficiency for light atoms, or puts constraints on the trap volume and trap depth, and therefore the power, of the ODT. Furthermore, for light atoms evaporative cooling in the HT is limited as the additional axial confinement provided by the QMT is small because of the small levitation gradient, below which the QMT has to operate in the HT. Finally, the small levitation gradient puts experimental limits on the control of the displacement of the QMT with respect to the ODT, which further limits the axial confinement.Here we report on the production of a metastable triplet helium ( 4 He * ) BEC using a single-beam HT with a moderate power of less than 3 W, demonstrating the application of HT for a light atom. Our work provides a novel and simple method for obtaining a 4 He * BEC, which can be used for atom optics experiments [6][7][8][9][10] or precision spectroscopy Abstract We demonstrate a simple scheme to reach Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of metastable triplet helium atoms using a single-beam optical dipole trap with moderate power of less than 3 W. Our scheme is based on RF-induced evaporative cooling in a quadrupole magnetic trap and transfer to a single-beam optical dipole trap that is located below the magnetic trap center. We transfer 1 × 10 6 atoms into the optical dipole trap, with an initial temperature of 14 µK, and observe efficient forced evaporative cooling both in a hybrid trap, in which the quadrupole magnetic trap operates just below the levitation gradient, and in the pure optical dipole trap, reaching the onset of BEC with 2 × 10 5 atoms and a pure BEC of 5 × 10 4 atoms. Our work shows that a single-beam hybrid trap can be applied for a light atom, for which evaporative cooling in the quadrupole magnetic trap is strongly limited by Majorana spin-flips, and the very small levitation gradient limits the axial confinement in the hybrid trap.