Radiative emission during cold collisions between trapped laser-cooled Rb atoms and alkaline-earth ions (Ca + , Sr + , Ba + ) and Yb + , and between Li and Yb + , are studied theoretically, using accurate effective core potential based quantum chemistry calculations of potential energy curves and transition dipole moments of the related molecular ions. Radiative association of molecular ions is predicted to occur for all systems with a cross section two to ten times larger than the radiative charge transfer one. Partial and total rate constants are also calculated and compared to available experiments. Narrow shape resonances are expected, which could be detectable at low temperature with an experimental resolution at the limit of the present standards. Vibrational distributions are also calculated, showing that the final molecular ions are not created in their ground state level. p c k J J D R J J J D R J PEC for all systems. The lowest Π 3 PEC of Rb-Ca + is also displayed for completeness. (c) Transition electric dipole moments between the X and A states. Open circles: [74]. The vertical dotted lines tag the inner turning points of the incoming continuum wave function-in the entrance channel-with the respective points in the exit channel and the transition dipole moment magnitude at that position. p c k J J v D R J J J v D R J ( ) 8 3